Sell Offer: Direct Cooling, single phase Ice block Making Machine T

Lagos , Nigeria| Posted 4 months ago, Ad ID: 1714896321

Quantity : T

Viewed : 128 times

Offers : 0

Description :

This Koller direct cooling, single phase Ice block making machine imported a few years ago from Guangdong China, is up for sale. Code name: (DK05) Machine came in a perfect condition but has NEVER been used for reasons best known to the owner. Currently, there is a minor fault with the machine which developed from sitting around for a long time & poor technical handling. Correction to be carried out, will become the responsibility of the buyer as the Owner is no longer interested in Ice blocks production. This is a machine that is of great value. Interested person(s) can either confirm the price of the brand new machine from The company’s site in China or from the seller ( which will be disclosed upon chatting with the seller ) You can contact the seller/owner directly on number displayed, for more details, If interested.






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